Friday, June 25, 2010

The Amusement Park, where the Roller Coaster exists!

It’s one big amusement park, with lots of games to play each day, the most unpredictable surprises and with something new passing along each single second.
Some games in this park are heaven and others are hell, and some others are just a fusion of both.

Can you see how many people there? You’re not alone. Everyone is on their own roller coasters, we can never know who’s enjoying time or being hurt more. They all seem to be playing, even those waiting on the sides.

Tickets’ value for riding roller coasters depends on who’s playing? How is he playing? And how long he’ll stay up there? But it’s usually costly and it’s never left to how much you’ve got in your pocket.If so, I would have been a billionaire!

P.S This is to avoid any misjudgments or misunderstandings. The Amusement Park scheme does not in any way contest the religious views of life and it doesn’t take God and his creation lightly. However, it’s a personal philosophy and view for things.

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