Friday, May 27, 2011

10 reasons why you need to read "Chocolate Cake"

1. It's a book about life and love, you will definitly understand it. Specially that the choice of words is not complicated.
2. You will find some -if not all- thoughts in the book hitting on an experience you once went through.
3. You will find the words expressing what you might have been unable to express at a point of time
4. It's only 106 pages, can be finished in one day. SO youdon't have to worry about how much time you'll spend reading it.
5. It contains some theories, or practical experiences brief, which canbe helpful for you to go through certain situations in your life
6. It will help you convert negative experiences into positive outcomes and feelings
7. If I am your friend, then this is a reason why you need to read it. Support :) Else, what friends are for?
8. If you're a chocolate cake lover, that's another important reason to read it.
9. You can find many quotes inside the book that might change your paradigm shift towards certain things in life
10. It might inspire you to think about extended concepts or even to write about them

Where to find the book?
Check its page on facebook to know and share the discussions:!/pages/Chocolate-Cake-by-Farida-Fakher-Coming-Soon/166934203363643

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Quotes I wrote...19.5.2011

  • It's not what you's how you say it. It's not what you's what you do that conforms to your sayings

  • Life without love is like not living at all

  • Even though it seems like a step closer to you, but it's the same step that pushes me even further.

  • Don't search for love...THINK about it

  • Distances of souls are far more meaningful than distances of place.

  • This is a time when the extremely uncommon becomes extremely common. This is a time when who is not solid enough would be common enough. Just because solid enough won't be enough.

  • The day I had let you go, was the day my life returned back to me. I just happened to notice later that it doesn't fit with me anymore

  • Still one piece...still breathing...but unsure she's alive. Pain is harder when it's accumulative. Forgetting is not easy when forgiving seems impossible

  • Satisfaction is a bless. It doesn't need materialistic nor emotional coverage. It's just a bless from above.

  • Can't you feel the coldness of loneliness? It's hell. A freezed century in a moment's time. And it's killing the most when you have many people to be with, yet you find yourself stepping back under the conviction that you won't be enjoying your time with

  • Some people are just lucky; they find what they want before even wanting it. Others pray for what they want and get it. Some wait too long before they get it and might get it when they lose interest. Others just keep waiting for a dream that's destined to never come true. Yet, they all suffer in different terms

  • It takes a woman only ONE lie to lose her trust in a man...ONLY one lie

  • For everyone who hurt me or caused me pain. Thank You for making me stronger. You gave me something I didn't deserve. And I'm giving you forgiveness, which is also something you don't deserve

  • I believe that the stronger people seem to be, the more fragile they are inside...and vice versa

  • People forget that what they say, will never be unsaid...and what they do, will never be undone. Effects last a lifetime, whether good or bad

  • We truly know ourselves, only when we go beyond our own limits...

  • More important than understanding each other when talking, is understanding each other in silence

  • Any person can be unsure of what he wants and dreams of, but how can someone be so unsure of what he feels towards what already happened and signed pages of his life book?
    There are some truths that are never realized nor believed, no matter how long they stay and no matter how sane we are

  • Sometimes we escape from the life that we can't bear anymore to a life that can't be be even lived

  • In every situation you pass through and every person you are with, you choose to see the things that make you happy or those that make you sad...
    Soon is only really "soon" when it seems like never happening

Visit my first book's page at:

Monday, May 16, 2011

My first book OUT: Chocolate Cake. Diaries after release.

"How do you feel?" ... has been the most common phrase/question that I heard over the last couple of days.

My first book being released and published! WOW!

The idea itself is still a new introduction to my psychic system, that it's taking me some tme to analyse or understand how do I truly feel.

It's not just happiness. It's not just an achievement. It's not just people's eyes brightening around you. It's not just the smile on my face that I don't know how to hide it. It's not just a wind of change. It's something else...may be a mixture of all these things, may be something brand new that I still need some time to grasp and understand.
Other friends of mine expressed their worries that I might change, that we might no longer be close friends, and that I won't be available like before! Of Course NOT. As long as I have good friends around me, why would I let them away? Moreover, you're one of the reasons why I'm where I am today.

Some were very curiuos, when they found their name in acknowledgement page in the book, to know what were the thoughts they inspired me with. I guess everyone would wonder at a point of time, which of the thoughts concerns him/her. Whichever they are, I am grateful that you were the trigger that blew all my thoughts on paper and gave me the first step to be an author.

I received a phone call from my cousin yesterday, who has just started his photography exhibitions recently and who is going through the same feelings that I"m expecting to go through. All his words indicated that this is a life's turn around, specially inwhat concerns my social life!

"How do you feel?".."I"m so proud of you" .. "From where can I get it?" .. "I got it" .. "I love the cover" .. "How did you do it?" .. "I wanna do the same" .. "You're dream came true" .. "One day 'll tell my friends that I have a friend who's a famous writer"...all were phrases and questions that were condensed since I announced the release of the book. That's beside the congrats, the kisses, the hugs, the photos, the flowers and all types of greetings received. Actually, my writing skills cannot find words that express how happy I am. All what I can say is that I've never been more grateful than now, grateful to you all and to God in the first place.

Follow the book "Chocolate Cake" at:!/pages/Chocolate-Cake-by-Farida-Fakher-Coming-Soon/166934203363643