Every now and then I come to a self realization point of thought....I discover how many years I lived, how many years of experience do I have, what did I achieve, what did I give, what did I own and what did I lose. That moment of thought is usually profoundly awakening!
I look at my photos some years ago and compare them to current ones, I can see a huge difference. I changed, on all aspects, or in other words; EVOLVED! Everything evolved as well and everyone around.
I've found myself today searching on the web on quick ways to get rid of cellulite. I have noticed a tiny area in my thighs that seemed to me as cellulite. Read it's more spread between women than men due to the female hormones which might be a factor in creating cellulite. I always wanted to look good, in shape, stretched and sexy. How come I find cellulite in my thighs before I even get married! I always thought body cracks would only remember me after pregnancy and like every other optimistic thought I try to keep and lose after a while I thought I will stay in shape as I will be maintaining a healthy diet and frequent workout. I want to LOOK the best in my man's eyes....the world outside is full of MOZZAZ and I have to be the Mozzest of all in his eyes! But how come I can do this now when I discovered I'm having cellulite in my thighs with no clue if my actions getting rid of it will work for me or not. Moreover, I shall expect other unexpected surprises to come ahead...and which I don't know what might they be :|
A couple of days ago I visited old conversations with an old friend that I still meet. A SHOCK! Why did I seem to be that stingy?!That offensive!!!That CHILDISH! The topics I chose to share, the words I selected to express and everything. Miserable! Would I feel the same if I did the same 5 years from now? I hope not. I'll work on that!
I'll never forget how it feels to be the youngest. Either in the family or at work. Ya right you guess the feeling I wanted to express just right now. The ones who still think I'm a kid and I still want to prove to them that I grew old enough are my parents. Now I need to take care of other kids and baby borns in the family and I found myself the manager at work, leading younger people and sometimes lead by them, and found myself welcoming and forming friendships with whom are like 6 years younger and just started their career path. They come and ask me about my opinion and advice and after I just finish preaching, I feel like "Hell NO!" that I quickly recover from by another thought of "C'est la vie!"