Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cold and flu fighters right from nature

“It is easy to get a thousand prescriptions but hard to get one single remedy”~ A Chinese proverb.

True! How many people revert to prescriptions compared to those who utilize nature to get the remedies? When we know we have cold or flu, we might even not think of visiting a doctor, because “it’s just common cold I have every year”, and pass by the pharmacy to get the “common medicine” that cures that “common cold”…ever held on a second of thinking if there would be any better alternative?

You would probably give it a lot of thought when you know that many of the prescribed drugs are any supplement that contains chemical or unnatural substances that gets involved with how our brain functions, it affects the brain chemistry, hormones and mentality. Some drugs might even fool our brains into thinking that everything is fine and that everything is opposite to what we’re actually experiencing. On the other hand, natural herbal remedies, are purely extracted from living plants. Usually these natural plants contain substances that promotes the body to function in certain ways to heal, without getting involved with how our brains work or how our hormones are regulated!

Nonetheless, sometimes natural remedies need to be “safety considered” as per what the experts say. As commented, the potentially toxic effects of natural cold and flu remedies are almost always related to long term use only. So, if it’s a matter of an average of 1 to 5 days, it’s ok.

Despite the great difference between prescriptions and natural remedies, sometimes chemical intervention is needed and a visit to the doctor is essential! When?
When any of the symptoms is persistent; specially, difficulty in breathing or chest pain, fever, vomiting or inability to keep fluids down, painful swallowing, coughing congestion and headache. Any of these symptoms presenting persistence, is a call for further and stringer action. Also, it is preferable to visit the doctor in the early stages of flu, since flu consequences can be quite life threatening.

However, it’s very common when we confuse cold with flu, think they’re the same, have the same symptoms and after all treat and try to cure them the same way!
Here’s some important differences between cold and flu that we should be well aware of to be able to provide ourselves with the kind of remedy that won’t let us wonder at the end why on earth am I not getting better?
It’s common cold if you experience irritation in the nose or a sore throat at first, followed within hours by sneezing and a watery nasal discharge. Afterwards, the nasal secretions commonly become thicker and may turn a greenish or yellowish color within 1 to 3 days. Colds tend to last about a week, with sometimes a few remaining symptoms for an additional week or so like coughing for example.
It’s flu if the above cold symptoms come more attacking, stronger and quicker in the frequency and intervals of time. You would probably experience high fever, hoarse cough accompanied by chest discomfort, sore throat, headache, fatigue and weakness and aching back, arms and legs
One other success factor for the natural cold and flue remedies to work is related to the “prevention before cure” idea. Always make sure you’re maintain a good diet, frequent work out, low drinking and smoking rates and that you always have germs-free hands (by regular hand wash or by using any hand sanitizing gel or wet wipes) or else try to avoid touching your eyes, ears or mouth because this is usually where the cold and flu viruses enter the body.

Here are 5 major remedies from nature for cold and flu:

1-      Raw Fresh Garlic
Hard to imagine taking it in this way, yet results are tremendous.

Garlic contains compounds, such as allicin—an oily substance, which is found to help prevent colds as well as shorten their duration.

How to take it? You can have it  in cooking, or by taking appropriate dosages of garlic supplements, as a dehydrated garlic powder, garlic oil, or aged garlic extract,. Moreover, you can take is as raw fresh garlic pieces. If you don’t want to have garlic breath for a long time, don’t chew it. Just get small cloves and swallow them whole or crush them a bit and swallow them with the help of water to ensure they’ll be well digested. It’s better to eat something before you get this garlic in your stomach.

2-      Ginger
Ginger eases pain and fever and has a slighttranquilizing effect that will encourage rest and relaxation. It is tasty and without any lingering odor effect!

Thatpowerful root can act as an antihistamine and decongestant, two cold-easing effects embraced by Chinese herbalists for ages.

How to take it?You can add some slices of ginger to boiled water and drink it, have it as strong ginger tea or may be add it in tiny pieces to your soup. You can always find available in super market as well tea bags of ginger and lemon together, which would work wonderfully as well. The only warning is not to overdo it, and not to take it when your throat is really red and infected.
3-      Honey
Our grandmothers won’t be surprised for that item!
It is basically very good for reducing and smoothing coughing and this happens as honey coats and soothes an irritated throat. That is its edge.
How to take it?The good things about honey is that you can have separate honey intakes using the spoon or you can add it to any drink or food you want to sweeten instead of sugar, you can add it to lemon and ginger to make a perfect cold and flu fighter mix.

4-      Vitamin C
We’re not talking about the popular fizzy vitamin C we frequently take, we’re just back to nature!
Vitamin C does not cure cold or flu as most of recent studies conclude and which is against many of our beliefs. Vitamin C helps in keeping the body strong and immune. So it works better in preventing your body from catching cold, more than curing or shortening you cold or flu period.
How to take it? Vitamin C is very rich in most of fruits and vegetables. You can find it specially in citrus fruits like orange, lemon, kiwi, etc, and in vegetables like mushrooms, broccoli, strawberries and tomatoes.

5-      Vitamin D
      Even though it’s not the wonder remedy, yet many studies proved that people with high vitamin D levels are less prone to catch cold or flu. A lot of research done currently got doctors and patients surprised that Vitamin does not stop cold, yet meanwhile most of these studies proved that people with lower vitamin D levels catch common cold more often. It was tested on men, women and children.
      How to take it? Amazingly, you can take into your body some of vitamin D by being exposed to the sun but off course in a considerably measured duration. Another sources are salmon, tuna fish, eggs and sardines.
     Above all that always remember to take enough time to rest whenever you’re with cold or flu, keep yourself warm specially your head and feet and breath in only warm air.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

You can actually look gorgeous without makeup!

N.B This article was originally written for and published at the COACH Magazine (The official Magazine of Gold's Gym). This is a pre-editing version.

Why women put on makeup?
One study published by NCBI (National Center of Biotechnology Information) revealed two classes of women who prefer putting on makeup. The study was an attempt to understand the relationship of women to their makeup through interviewing different groups of women on their quality of life and makeup habits. The results were hitting on the relation between the need to makeup oneself and the specific psychological feature. Results supported two opposites in the personalities of women putting on makeup as part of their day to day life style; the “Camouflage” and the “Seduction” functional classes. The “Camouflage” psychological profile is about women who are anxious, defensive and emotionally unstable compared to the “Seduction” profile who appear to be more sociable, assertive and extroverted.
Another answer for the same question was documented by in an article written by a makeup artist. Even though she can’t be representing all women and girls, yet there is definitely something about what she said. She mentioned 4 main reasons why would a woman put on makeup. It might be the desire to look younger, to feel attractive and that makeup can sometimes be the only affordable luxury in hard times.
Understanding why women put on makeup is the first antidote of revisiting the idea of “I won’t look gorgeous without makeup”
Might sound a bit like a cliche but it’s always renewable, “The real beauty lies within”. It’s not your make up, not your age, not how you’re dressed up and not how your hair is done. Yes, surely these make a difference, yet think of all the real beautiful and sexy ladies you met once, how many of them did you change your opinion about with the first interaction or conversation? If you’re not feeling good in your heart and mind, no matter what you do, you’ll still not look good as well. How you feel is how you look. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that we don’t encourage you to be careless towards your outer beauty.


1.       Love yourself
·   Accept and love yourself the way you are and if there is something you don’t like about yourself then you can either accept it or change it. Take it easy.Don’t build your thoughts and behavior based on the social mirror. Just be yourself. Own your personality. Behave, act, speak and think the way you feel comfortable for you and not for anybody else. You are unique and you are loved the way you are.When you love yourself, you’ll feel confident and comfortable. That’s your first stepping stone to look naturally beautiful.

2.       Watch your health
What do you eat? How many hours do you sleep? Do you exercise? Can you keep a healthy skin? Are you watching your physical, psychological and mental status? Your health tells a lot about you. How much you are happy is relatively proportional to how healthy you are. These are easy to do things for your health:
·      Exercise regularly
·      Sleep early, wake up early and sleep well. Never fight sleeping. If not possible, then at least make sure you get 8 hours of sleep. Lack of or unstable sleeping patterns can result in swollen, puffy bags and dark circles under the eyes.
·      Drink plenty of water. A little lack of water in your body can cause you a dry skin, which is not commonly “nice”. Make sure you drink an appropriate amount of water that should be equivalent to the amount of water you lose through the day, especially if you exercise, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you live in a hot or dry climate by nature.
·      Grab in more fruits, vegetables and nuts. Specifically talking about the foods that can directly affect how you look and even make you long younger on the long term with a sustained trend
-       Raisins. A handful or more every other day would do.
-       Tomatoes. Eat it every other day as well.And, there’s no wrong way to take it. Take fresh, or sauce or juice or even skin or hair treatment. It works all ways.
-       Peanuts. Take a handful or more three times a week. (Provided you don’t have peanut allergy)
-       Onions. A few slivers every other day.
-       Potatoes. You can take this almost daily. Definitely not fried!

3.       Pamper yourself
Make sure you have your off times; times in which you can sit and do nothing or in which you can do things only to please yourself.
It differs from one to another, but for example you can do anything from the below suggestions:
-          Pamper yourself at a Spa
-          Pamper yourself at your Beauty Salon
-          Go to a place you really like and enjoy the weather with a close friend
-          Go shopping and buy whatever you like
-          Keep a circle of friends with whom it’s really fun going out with
-          You don’t have to dress well only in occasions, why don’t you dress up very nice every time you’re going out of home. More and above, it feels even better to dress very nice when you’re at home!

4.       SMILE
Life is full of disappointments, frustrations, unmet expectations and life’s reality always hearts. Accept this fact and find your way to happiness through it. There’s always a way to be happy. Happiness is just a state of mind. A state of an assertive will to be always happy regardless of any upsets coming in the way. One very simple way is just to keep your smile, always. And don’t forget it in hardships, try only to smile and see how things would get easier. You have to believe in your right of happiness, once you believe in it; you’ll find your way to it.

5.       Be your femininity mate
What differentiates males from females? It’s not their body structure, it’s not their voice tone, it’s not the different responsibilities, and it’s nothing more than females’ femininity. Watch your femininity in the way you dress the way you look, the way you talk, the way you work, the way you think and dream and in every single way. Don’t let it go, because it’s a sweet blessing to have it. It’s like when we see a man and if he’s not manly we might think he’s gay! Or else we won’t be that attracted to him! On the other hand, femininity does not oppose being assertive, being smart, fighting for your rights, speaking up for your opinions. You just do it all the feminine way!

6.       Take care of your skin
·  Visit your dermatologist to know your skin type. You always need to make sure that you’re doing the right thing for your skin and using the skincare products that suit you.
·  Wash your face using a proper facial wash or cleanser every day. This will help remove the dead skin regularly and help even out your skin tone.

·  Use a moisturizer two times a day. Get a suitable day and a night face cream and apply once you wake up and before going to sleep. It is essential to keep your skin hydrated in order for your skin to stay soft.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Cellulite Awakening!

Every now and then I come to a self realization point of thought....I discover how many years I lived, how many years of experience do I have, what did I achieve, what did I give, what did I own and what did I lose. That moment of thought is usually profoundly awakening!

I look at my photos some years ago and compare them to current ones, I can see a huge difference. I changed, on all aspects, or in other words; EVOLVED! Everything evolved as well and everyone around. 

I've found myself today searching on the web on quick ways to get rid of cellulite. I have noticed a tiny area in my thighs that seemed to me as cellulite. Read it's more spread between women than men due to the female hormones which might be a factor in creating cellulite. I always wanted to look good, in shape, stretched and sexy. How come I find cellulite in my thighs before I even get married! I always thought body cracks would only remember me after pregnancy and like every other optimistic thought I try to keep and lose after a while I thought I will stay in shape as I will be maintaining a healthy diet and frequent workout. I want to LOOK the best in my man's eyes....the world outside is full of MOZZAZ and I have to be the Mozzest of all in his eyes! But how come I can do this now when I discovered I'm having cellulite in my thighs with no clue if my actions getting rid of it will work for me or not. Moreover, I shall expect other unexpected surprises to come ahead...and which I don't know what might they be :|

A couple of days ago I visited old conversations with an old friend that I still meet. A SHOCK! Why did I seem to be that stingy?!That offensive!!!That CHILDISH! The topics I chose to share, the words I selected to express and everything. Miserable! Would I feel the same if I did the same 5 years from now? I hope not. I'll work on that!

I'll never forget how it feels to be the youngest. Either in the family or at work. Ya right you guess the feeling I wanted to express just right now. The ones who still think I'm a kid and I still want to prove to them that I grew old enough are my parents. Now I need to take care of other kids and baby borns in the family and I found myself the manager at work, leading younger people and sometimes lead by them, and found myself welcoming and forming friendships with whom are like 6 years younger and just started their career path. They come and ask me about my opinion and advice and after I just finish preaching, I feel like "Hell NO!" that I quickly recover from by another thought of "C'est la vie!"

Monday, April 1, 2013

What I didn't learn at school and learnt at Olympic Group!(1)

You never know! .....
    I remember back at college days when I used to attend courses that were arranged by "Bridges" foundation. At that time I can assume I was a more spiritual person and I am sure I used to remember God much more than nowadays. I was invited to attend one of their courses that were supposed to show us how to represent Islam and logically fight for it by understanding what it really is and what it really calls for. That course was held at the premises of Olympic Group Company, which sounded too ruthless to me to attend a course at, just from the name, even though I had never been there before! I thought I'll be visiting an old, dull, dirty factory, especially when I got to know its address; behind "nady el sekka el 7adid" and in "emtedad share3 Ramsis"….All this gave me an impression that may be, just may be "I shouldn’t really be going to that place and wait till it's held at any other respectable venue" (from my point of view back at that time).

Days passed me by while thinking whether to go or not, eventually, I decided to go, unfortunately cannot recall what exactly was my motive, but the moment I entered the building was a moment of radical paradigm shift.

Since I was an addict to management and HR literature and practices at that time, the second thing that grabbed my attention, after the completely different reality of the building against my prior imaginations, were the frames hung on the walls demonstrating the mission and vision of Olympic Group. I even thought, entering the bathroom there, that I'll find them hanging it on the toilet cabinets’ doors, just in front of your head while using it, as I studied that Sony used to do at that time.

I didn't find it hung there, in case you wonder!

At that precise moment and in front of one of the hung frames with the Mission of Olympic Group written, infront of Abdallah Sallam Hall where the course was taking place and  with my virgin business awareness that of a university student in her third year with zero contact with the business world as she never really wanted to waste her summer time working, I wished to work in that place. I remember I didn't even pray. I just wished.

A year passed by and I became in the fourth and last college year and I had to have a dream. I had at least to think about what I want to do after graduation. I and my best friends' group focus and ambition were to graduate with high scores and submit at the GUC to work as Teacher Assistants. We had worked so hard and studied diligently to get the scores needed. By good chance, my grades all along the 4 previous years were good enough , so that my final overall grade as planned could easily swift me to my goal; TA at the GUC. Graduating in 2006, meant only one year after the GUC opening and which meant a GREAT opportunity. Just exactly what I wanted; to teach HR and Management. Nevertheless, life bounced back with one unexpected event I couldn't foresee by all means. I have failed in one topic; Portfolio (Related to Stock management and investment, in case you didn’t come across it before), i.e I should be fare-welling my "TA at the GUC" ambition and the effort of the last year in specific along with it! From the other side, I had to handle my ego to accept some simple facts; that I FAILED, that I failed while OTHERS succeeded and that MY dream is now becoming the REALITY of OTHERS!  That was, at that time, a tough kick in the ass from life. Particularly, because I didn't have another dream or ambition to switch to, so I felt lost, may be! 

Two weeks later, after receiving the bad news and several checking with the university that this grade of failure was right; I received a telephone call from my cousin offering a job at his office in replacement to his office manager who was resigning. Didn’t seem cool to me, the job itself was far from interesting, besides the idea of working with a relative was not comfortable to me, specially that my father works at the same office too. In case you wonder why this wasn't comfortable to me; I actually don't know, but it was never a good idea for me to work with a relative or with a friend when there's a possibility of conflict. However; Later on, this conviction changed!

I started working there with a verbal agreement that once I pass my make-up exam, graduate and find an HR, specifically a Training and Development job, I would leave. Yeah, I decided I'm option-less at that time and corporate field is my future career, for a couple of years and then I'll start my own business that serves the quality of people’s life.. 

On the very days I was desperate finding an HR job, and when I was trying to apply anywhere possible; I received a telephone call from a stranger at that time called Reham Youssry inviting me for an interview with the HR Director of Olympic Group. I was enlightened at that moment, wondering in the glance of the call how a door I completely forgot about was opened. Olympic Group was probably the only company I didn't think of applying at despite how much I was eager to work for back at that day I attended the course in its building. I also wondered from where did Reham receive my resume from to be able to contact me. I remember I asked her about that, she then kept me on hold for a relatively long time, then resumed the call saying "I don't know, I just received it on my mail". Since my interview was the next day from that telephone conversation, I didn't have any time to chat with my closest friend;  Marwa Awad about the incident that seemed surprising to me and worth chatting about.

The next day I went to the interview. Entering the building was an inspirational experience to me and it became even more inspiring when Yasser Zaazou, the HR Director at that time, came to welcome me by himself at the waiting area and escorted me to his office to start with our interview…by himself! For me, that was an enough reason to have a crush for Olympic Group. From that moment, Yasser became my role model in many behaviors and ways of thinking. Not only for this reason, but also for the delightful experience I had during his interview with me. How he introduced the interview, put me at ease, asked questions and probed my answers and closed the session, were all very impressing techniques to me. Yeah, maybe it was my first professional and official interview; however I haven't yet had any other remotely similar interview until this day.

Once we started the interview, Yasser asked me from where I know Akram Afifi, as if rest assured I definitely knew him. Actually, I didn't. He proceeded with the interview as if nothing happened and I kept thinking “who is Akram Afifi who sent him my resume.”

Later that night, I talked with Marwa Awad to share the surprising plan of God and she even surprised me further by telling me "Marwa, Akram Afifi is my uncle and I sent him your resume when you told me you are searching for an HR vacancy"

Today, after 7 working years, I thank God I didn't work as a TA at the GUC. Comparing experiences, challenges faced, and character built, I thank God. 
You never know!
…Until you know.
To be continued...
Editing done by: Sarah Menoufi