"How do you feel?" ... has been the most common phrase/question that I heard over the last couple of days.
My first book being released and published! WOW!
The idea itself is still a new introduction to my psychic system, that it's taking me some tme to analyse or understand how do I truly feel.
It's not just happiness. It's not just an achievement. It's not just people's eyes brightening around you. It's not just the smile on my face that I don't know how to hide it. It's not just a wind of change. It's something else...may be a mixture of all these things, may be something brand new that I still need some time to grasp and understand.
Other friends of mine expressed their worries that I might change, that we might no longer be close friends, and that I won't be available like before! Of Course NOT. As long as I have good friends around me, why would I let them away? Moreover, you're one of the reasons why I'm where I am today.
Some were very curiuos, when they found their name in acknowledgement page in the book, to know what were the thoughts they inspired me with. I guess everyone would wonder at a point of time, which of the thoughts concerns him/her. Whichever they are, I am grateful that you were the trigger that blew all my thoughts on paper and gave me the first step to be an author.
I received a phone call from my cousin yesterday, who has just started his photography exhibitions recently and who is going through the same feelings that I"m expecting to go through. All his words indicated that this is a life's turn around, specially inwhat concerns my social life!
"How do you feel?".."I"m so proud of you" .. "From where can I get it?" .. "I got it" .. "I love the cover" .. "How did you do it?" .. "I wanna do the same" .. "You're dream came true" .. "One day 'll tell my friends that I have a friend who's a famous writer"...all were phrases and questions that were condensed since I announced the release of the book. That's beside the congrats, the kisses, the hugs, the photos, the flowers and all types of greetings received. Actually, my writing skills cannot find words that express how happy I am. All what I can say is that I've never been more grateful than now, grateful to you all and to God in the first place.
Follow the book "Chocolate Cake" at:http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Chocolate-Cake-by-Farida-Fakher-Coming-Soon/166934203363643
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